Following a conversation recently with a Course student, I feel prompted to share about what may become an increasing phenomena in the ACIM world. I’ll call the student T. T, a devoted Course student for some time, has been undergoing a deep healing process,...
When have you felt most alone? An internet search shows it’s likely to have been while experiencing a bereavement/ going through a relationship breakup/retiring and losing the social contact you had at work/changing jobs and feeling isolated from your co-workers/...
The question of guidance seems to be swathed in false hopes, frustrations and apparent failures perhaps more than any other aspect of studying A Course in Miracles. This article aims at bringing some clarification, and includes an aspect of receiving guidance that...
Here is a selection of wonderful quotes by Ken Wapnick about studying A Course in Miracles. I invite you to contemplate these teachings and find what guidance and welcome to miracles are here for you today. Starting first with some encouragement from the Course:...
I’d like to share my daily spiritual practices in the hope that something here may be useful to you. I am full on flat out passionate about the beauty and power of A Course in Miracles, and so all my days are now dedicated to practice in some way or other. This may...
I lived in Santa Fe, New Mexico, for 9 glorious months of intuitive art, playing the gong, walking the gem strewn hillsides surrounding the city, going to all manner of exotic spiritual gatherings, and living in the most adorable guest casita with a terraced garden...